All Is Well

Last Friday I posted my first blog post ever. When you use Squarespace for your website, it’s super simple to post, administrate and also to check statistics. Simple even for someone who is ancient, to quote my high tech kidz.

So, I checked the “Traffic Overview” on the blog, and it turns out – I have readers! We’re not talking Kim Kardashian numbers here, but still... I see this as a sign to continue writing. I see that as a sign to keep on going with my mission!

Maybe it's naïve to be on a mission in these ‘Times of Endless Distractions’. But I AM...kind of. My mission is to spread information and inspire folks to start using this ‘life enhancing tool’ that I myself started working with in my 20’s; affirmations. 

I wouldn’t consider myself a teacher in the art of mastering affirmations, but I am a dedicated student, eager to share what I’ve come across so far. My first teacher in this field was SHAKTI GAWAIN and her book Creative Visualization. I found this book in someones badly emptied apartment in Stockholm when I was around 21.

Shakti presented a method to work with affirmations that immediately hit my core. 'Write down your affirmations, write down the "perfect situation" at least 10-15 times after each other, and always end with the sentence "This or something better is now manifesting in my life, for the greater good of all".

For a girl who had been hooked on the art of handwriting since the age of 5, this was so perfect! I loved it. And in the beginning I did it mostly for the fun of writing. I didn't really believe it. But after a while I started feeling a shift. For real. Things I wrote on that paper actually started manifesting for me. And they still do today. I always work on something. Some things take more time than others, but I'm a patient mama. 

To really understand the power of affirmations is through the life and work of Louise Hay. Louise Hay is a remarkable woman. She is my #1 role model. This year in October, she turned 90. (And yup, I went to San Diego to celebrate her birthday!) To give a short version of her life and work so far, is just impossible. But one can say that she's a woman who truly WALKS the WALK.

"All Is Well" is the title of this second blog post and also Louise's signature affirmation. I sent Louise an 'All Is Well' bracelet last year, and got this respond from Hay House, her publishing company. 

Thank you so much for the beautiful bracelet! What a lovely idea. Congratulations on your business venture. Louise and I love to hear from people who are on their path of personal empowerment and healing. Thank you for all the good work that you do. Life loves you!

All Is Well, was all that would fit on the bracelets that I'm making, but the invisible, longer version of this affirmation goes: “All is well. Things are working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come”.

This has always been one of my favorite affirmations of all times. I hope you can get as much use of it in your life, as I have in mine. 

That was all for today,

Love & Light from Echo Park.


This is where I wrote this blog today, in the nap bed in our dining room, Photo of Stockholm & Distant view of the Pacific Ocean. Gorgeous.